When individuals are granted a Swiss residence permit (L, B or C permit), a reason for their immigration is specified by administrative staff. This reason does not reflect the individual’s personal reason for migrating, but the reason for the granting of a permit.

Overall, the three main reasons for entry are work, family reunification and education.

However, there are major differences according to continent of origin. Work is the reason for entry for 58% of individuals arriving from a European country, but only for 3% of those arriving from Africa and for 16% of those arriving from the American continent.

Family reunification accounts for more than half (57%) of North and South American migration. Education and family are the reasons most frequently given by Asians (respectively 32% and 31%). Immigrants seeking to obtain asylum-related residence status are in the minority worldwide, but their proportions are higher among African nationals than for other regions of origin. It is important to note that individuals who are granted long-term legal status following an application for asylum are included in these statistics, but not asylum seekers (N permit) and persons granted provisional admission (F permit).

For what reasons do people migrate to Switzerland?

Did migrants already have an employment contract on their arrival?

How many asylum seekers are there in Switzerland?


L permit: short-term permit (up to twelve months)

B permit: residence permit (renewable annually)

C permit: settlement permit (after five or ten years)

N permit: asylum seeker

F permit: provisional admission (in the context of an asylum application)

Source: State Secretariat of Migration (SEM), CEMIS Register (2011–2022)

Note on the methodology: This data has been provided by the SEM, and is not directly comparable with STATPOP statistics. Because of the significant number of gaps in STATPOP statistics, preference has been given to SEM data.

Terms of use: The Migration-Mobility Indicators are made available free of charge for non-commercial use. We ask the users to acknowledge the source.

Suggested citation: nccr – on the move, Migration-Mobility Indicators. Neuchâtel: nccr – on the move, 2023.

For more information about the data sets used, please click here.

Last update: 4 October 2023